bkgd8Getting started with social media marketing is always an exciting time for any business. The endless possibilities it creates for expanding your reach are thrilling to explore. And while it’s gratifying to see interest in your business or practice grow as you gain followers, make sure you don’t fall into the trap too many do when they get started with social media that can quickly turn the positive experience into a negative one.

Remember the social aspect of social media marketing. The idea is to create interaction and communication. Answer questions, acknowledge mentions and keep the dialog going whenever possible. Don’t make your Facebook posts or Twitter tweets purely promotional.

Don’t make is solely about your business. You want to encourage contact, get a conversation going or even offer up some helpful suggestions. The idea is to get customers, clients, and – possibly more importantly – potential clients involved.

blog-managementAnother thing to keep in mind is the amount of posts and tweets you’re going to post and share. You don’t want to become one of those businesses or a practice that starts to clog up someone’s feed with a never ending stream of content. It’s not always about the numbers – while a couple tweets a day might be a good thing, with a post a day on Facebook doing the job – it’s about quality content. Make sure what you’re posting has some relevance to your followers, something they can use.

You want to create a sense of community about the service you are offering, something that continues for your client or customer after they’ve left your establishment. Avoiding some of these common mistakes can do just that.