We’ve been making these plastic skeletons out of old milk jugs for years now. We originally saw them in someones yard and stealing ideas from them and various places on the net we devised our own method of making them. We’ve made around 30 of these through the years and are always making more.
We decided to share our techniques this year and put out this hopefully easy to understand template on how to make your own.
What you’ll need:
- ◐ (8) 1 gallon milk jugs (4 jugs are needed for the head, ribs and hips, ½ gallon containers may be used for the other bones)
- ◐ Magic marker for tracing (light color recommended)
- ◐ Hot glue gun
- ◐ Fishing line
- ◐ One hole punch
- ◐ Scissors
- ◐ Craft knife
If you get lost along the way feel free to contact us and we’ll try to help out the best we can.
Ready to start on your own? Download our Recycled Skeleton Template Revision 1.
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